National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides an opportunity for people living with a disability/chronic condition and their families to receive funding and support to reach goals that will enable greater participation, build capacity and enable growing independence. It provides a wonderful opportunity for participants and their loved ones to seek support and direction but also have choice and control around what is a priority need for them and which provider to engage in helping them.

Physiotherapy is funded under the “Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living” category of the NDIS – The main aim of physiotherapy is to improve mobility, strength, balance and movement and the NDIS provides funding assistance for people who require this as part of their therapy or rehabilitation. It is important to understand though, that the NDIS does not provide funding if the physiotherapy is not directly related to a disability.

Physiotherapists can help people by employing a range of techniques. Initially, your physiotherapist will examine your current posture, muscle tone, movement, balance and strength. They will then work with you to implement a therapy plan to achieve your specific goals, as well as special equipment use and instruction if needed. Finally, they will be able to provide you with ongoing care, as well as an exercise plan that you can take home to complete yourself or with the assistance of a care worker or family member.

By accessing and utilising NDIS funds, it provides a greater chance of independence, increases the ability to walk or move, builds muscle tone, improves balance, and can also assist with pain management.

If you’re unsure whether you’re entitled to access NDIS funds, you can access the Government’s website to determine your eligibility.


We are able to see you if you are:

  • Self managed; or
  • Plan managed

At this stage we are not registered to see NDIA managed clients.

Call us now for an appointment so we can help you to lead your best life.


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